Imagine a man waiting in a little room. The walls are plain and there is a light hanging from the ceiling. There is no furniture and there are no doors. The man has a small suitcase. There doesn’t seem to be much for him to do.

Now imagine staring at him for an hour, as he works out how to pass the time in there. But add a projection screen next to the little room, and add to your knowledge these facts about the man: he is an acrobat… a dancer… a musician… an artist… an actor… and an animator. And he has a sense of humour.

Also, imagine that just for an hour, the gravity in that room could change.

Now buy a ticket to “LEO”, because this show is beyond what most of us could imagine.

I was spellbound. I think I said ‘wow’, out loud, every few minutes.

Do not miss this opportunity to have your mind blown!

LEO is on again today (Wednesday) at 1pm, and tonight at 6pm. Both shows are at Baycourt Theatre.

Hopefully there’ll be some tickets left for you. Fingers crossed.

Lots of love,

Leah x

Somehow you’ll escape all that waiting and staying,

You’ll find the bright places where boom bands are playing.

With banner flip-flapping once more you’ll ride high

Ready for anything under the sky

Ready because… you’re that kind of guy. – Dr Seuss