Hei pupuri te aho o te wānanga, hei kawe i ngā kura huna a Rua
To hold fast to the strands of valued knowledge
Museums can be places of inclusion and belonging, with stories and objects that connect with many diverse communities.
In the latest TE WHAKAATA I TE MATAPIHI: GLIMPSES project, our city’s museum collection has been explored by local rangatahi. They were challenged to find objects that speak to them. And, for the first time in the history of the collection, they were also invited to become youth agents in a co-collecting project that will bring a youth voice to the collection. Their selections will be presented at the 2023 Tauranga Arts Festival and celebrated with the launch of a new Glimpses publication that tells their stories.
Presented by Tauranga Heritage Collection
Supported by Tauranga City Council